Isn't it good to have the forum back. Whereas we have a new updated talk page it was hard to keep up with the goings on over the past few months (or was it just weeks). Anyway, onwards and upwards, and lets start today with a nice win at the CAP.
Have to say, the bloos were lucky they were not taken over by the WRU recently as they would have had no clubhouse to drink in today as they would probably shut that as well. That Newport game without the clubhouse was a joke.
Great to have this more user friendly forum back up running, augers well for the club and supporters.
I don't know if it is just me but I can't seem to find any continuity in the forum. I seem to have to keep looking for things all the time. It seems to go to just one topic then back to the main menu to find something else. Am I doing something wrong here.
It would be far better to have all topic on the same page and ordered according to the last post date. I don't think people are really bothered about having them split into categories.
Lot's of people kept complaining about our previous website and the Forum in particular but this site is far to complex in comparison, the forum is not user friendly and the rest of the site is like wading through treacle ! Old saying ' if it's not broke don't fix it'. I heard similar comments from supporters last week.
Forgot to say our previous site was run for free, I don't know if this is ?
•Rugby section will have conversations about rugby matches, etc.
•General section about other things such as events at the club.
•Suggestions, suggestions about the forum.
•Announcements, as it says below it, it's about maintenance.
The only inconsistency I have found is whether non Ponty XV rugby will be in the Rugby Section or General. We've had BIC conversations start in both. But if there was a conversation say about the youth, university, Wales, etc where best they would go?
Was the problem with the old forum technical rather than layout? I understood contributers using mobile phone or a tablet would see their post on the board and then it would disappear. It certainly happend to me using my phone.
Anyway Let's get on with this one as long as Jon can sort out loading stuff in PDF I'll be more than happy. Linking the spreadsheets via the cloud is a pain and doesn't always work.
Can we have a bit of sense when creating or commenting on the forum please! We are having discussions about the same game in multiple threads and people are also creating new threads rather than add a comment to an existing thread.
There's parking at the wern behind the new stand.for 160 cars,on the second field
Should I start another thread about the BIC? We've only got 4....

when I use the site on my mobile it does not give me the topic on RUGBY. It just isn't there (or the forum).
Why is the full date now left off each post. It means that with only the month shown I have to look through a months posts to keep up.