B.I.C competitionnextweek



  • @Pudding said:
    Anyone who attends the BIC game is undermining our chances of getting back into the competition as a club side. We've had those great cross-border away days taken off us and I, for one, am not going to be daft enough to assist the powers that be in their daylight robbery.

    You never get back in the cup

  • @jean3150 said:

    @Pudding said:
    Anyone who attends the BIC game is undermining our chances of getting back into the competition as a club side. We've had those great cross-border away days taken off us and I, for one, am not going to be daft enough to assist the powers that be in their daylight robbery.

    You never get back in the cup

    Don't understand this quote as we all know that the competition is finished. Dr Who could not get us back in this one.

  • I agree with puddings comments, to put money behind the bar is a feeble excuse, whilst I appreciate we all have choices, I will not support the plastic regions or the W.R.U. WHO HAVE KICKED US OUT OF THE BIC

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