Website Access

Has anybody had problems accessing the website in the last few days. When I click on the shortcut on my phone I keep getting a page called Plesk, a default page saying there's no website at this address. I then googled Pontypridd rfc with the same result. I tried on my laptop - same.
I did finally manage to get on the site by clicking the Plesk log-in button but it took an age for the homepage to come up. However when I try to access the news articles they don't open up on phone or laptop.


  • Haven't had any problems Russ, I hope things sort themselves out for you.

  • @MrHaag said:
    Haven't had any problems Russ, I hope things sort themselves out for you.

    Everything seems to be OK now thanks so don't understand what happened for the last three days. It's a mystery!

  • Have the same probs now.

  • You will need to clear your cookies and cache on the device you are using

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